Covid-19 Information and Protocols

Here at Seagrapes Cabana you will enjoy your own privacy throughout your stay. You are free to move about the property and to enjoy the beach and the sea in the company of your travel companions.

Before you book your travel to Belize, please visit the Belize Tourism Board website and Download the Belize Travel Health App and also see the latest on restrictions, and protocols for traveling to Belize, and anything that would apply for the time you are in Belize.

Currently the law in Belize states that masks must be worn at all times whenever out in public and social distancing must also be observed at all times.
Before guest arrivals and after guest departures, our cabana is deep cleaned. Cleaning is done using approved disinfectants and cleaning products in accordance with the CDC Covid-19 guidelines. Special attention is given to all high-touch areas when cleaning.

When you arrive at Seagrapes Cabana, we will take your temperature immediately before checking you in. As long as you show a normal temperature you are free to enjoy your vacation and enjoy what Belize has to offer. However, to limit the chances of coming into contact with Covid-19, we strongly recommend you try to conduct your itinerary using tour operators, guides, transportation, places of interest, and restaurants that are also Gold Standard Certified. Using Gold Standard services is recommended and is currently termed as the ‘Safe Corridor’ approach to vacationing in Belize during the pandemic.

In the event of a case of Covid-19 in any of your party, we will immediately put into action our quarantine plan and ensure the individual(s) affected are safely and quickly quarantined. (Quarantine will be completed at a government approved hotel. The cost of quarantine and travel to the facility will be borne by the individual(s) concerned. It is strongly recommended that all travellers have adequate health & travel insurance that would cover them in case of such an event.

Seagrapes Cabana Covid-19 Response Plan

By practicing Social Distancing and always wearing a mask in public, our hope is that your Belize vacation is a safe and healthy one. However in the unlikely event that you develop symptoms of Covid-19, here is the response plan that will immediately be put in motion.

If any of your party show the following symptoms you must follow this plan.

Most common symptoms:


dry cough


Less common symptoms:

aches and pains

sore throat




loss of taste or smell

a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes

Serious symptoms:

difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

chest pain or pressure

loss of speech or movement

Immediately notify the owner of Seagrapes Cabana if they are not already aware that someone is symptomatic, and confine yourselves to the cabana and remain indoors.

The cabana owner will phone/contact The love Medical Centre to arrange for Covid testing. If preferred you may also call direct on +501 670 0778/ +501 673 2751. To avoid the risk of infection through traveling, the doctor will come to you while you are confined to the cabana.

If the test is positive, the cabana owner will phone/contact Belize Ministry of Health, Belize Tourism Board (and update the travel app), Belize Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Health.

The owner will call the local ambulance service to transport you and your party to the government designated quarantine site in Belize City where you will remain for 14 days.

Your party will contact your Embassy or Country representative here in Belize. You may also share the details of your country representative with the cabana owner who can contact and inform your country representative on your behalf.

Your party will call your car rental agent to inform them they need to make arrangements to come and pick up their rental car.

Please note the cost of travel to Belize City by ambulance and the cost of staying in Quarantine in Belize City is the expense of you the guests. As our website states, we strongly recommend you have effective Travel and Vacation insurance in place for your time in Belize.

Ambulance service is provided by Southern Emergency Services who also offer EMS services to the Stann Creek District.
For ambulance service please call +501 666-2232 or 614-4357 (HELP)

US Embassy: +501 822-4011

Canadian Consulate: +501 223-1060

British High Commission: +501 822-2147

Remember it is the law in Belize that you wear a mask at all times when out in public and that you practice social distancing.

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